Guidelines for Platform Presentations (Plenary Sessions & Invited Talks)
We value your participation and accepting our invitation to be a speaker and sharing your wisdom to delegates at ICSJP 2021. To facilitate your message reaches smoothly and effectively to maximum audience, below are broad guidelines.
- Being a virtual conference on zoom platform, there may be some snag in communication. You are requested to share your slides on power point with us before 7th Mar 2021 to be uploaded on conference computer. Following this you have a choice of either extempore delivery though your laptop and conference computer will be standby in case of emergency.
- You also have the option to upload video of your talk and be available for Q & A. All presentation in video format will be through conference computer/laptop only. Please have it upload on conference computer by 10th March 2021
- The talk needs to be completed in the time allotted and allowing sufficient time for audience interaction. You are requested to prepare your presentation accordingly so that it does not cross the most important portion of your talk i.e. interactions with audience.
- To facilitate presentation, a yellow light will be on 2 minutes before scheduled close of your talk and Chairperson of session will request you to close the presentation at completion of time.
- Please confirm any specific requirement with Academic Committee of the conference.
Guidelines for Presentations at Technical sessions
We value your participation and accepting our invitation to a speaker and sharing your wisdom at ICSJP 2021. To facilitate your message reaches smoothly and effectively to maximum audience, below are broad guidelines.
- Being a virtual conference on zoom platform, there may be some snag in communication and you are advised to prepare a video presentation of your talk and share with us before 28th 2021 to be uploaded on conference computer. In case your presentation video is not received by the stipulated period by us, your talk will not be included in conference schedule and restructuring of Scientific Program will be done accordingly. Video not confirming to time slot will be ‘Rejected’.
- The video talk needs to be completed in the minutes allotted and beavailable for Q & A. You are requested to prepare your presentation accordingly so that it does not cross the most important portion of your talk i.e. interactions with audience.
- Please confirm any specific requirement with Academic Committee of the conference.
- Preparation of Video: You can prepare your presentation in one of the following format and have it uploaded on conference computer well before the deadline stipulated.
Zoom Recording Video Instructions
- Be sure that your audio and video are both on and working. The video is required to ensure a high-quality experience for the audience.
- Once you start screen sharing, your video will move to the upper right-hand corner. Please adjust your presentation and your video accordingly.
- Press the “Record” button. Select “Share Screen” and begin your presentation. Once you have finished your presentation, you can select “Stop Record”.
- As a reminder, your presentation should not exceed time allotted. If your presentation exceeds time limits, it will be either edited or rejected depending on opinion of our Technical Team.
PowerPoint Recording Instructions
- On your computer Power Point Program, prepare slides (advisable number is 10-12 to suit time restriction). Best presentation allows minimum one minute for a text slide.
- Power Point Slides should be 1920 x 1080 widescreen.
- Now select slide show > Record Slide Show
- Start speaking or add markings to your presentation.
- On completion ‘end the recording’.
- On completion save your presentation in video format and review it.
General instructions
- At the beginning in one or two sentences introduce yourself and your institution
- You may have one slide of Title slide and your introduction.
- Your audio and video must be clear to be comprehended by delegates.
- On the end of your presentation, be available for a brief question and answer session.
Guidelines for Submission of Full Length Articles: ICSJP 2021
We welcome and solicit full length articles from all presenters at ICSJP 2021. These will be peer reviewed and those article found suitable will form part of e-Proceeding of the conference. We request you to go through following general guidance and request you to adhere to it.
General instruction
Manuscripts submitted are meant exclusively for the conference proceedings and should not have been published earlier or be under simultaneous consideration for publication by any other journal.
The editor and the publisher disclaim any responsibility or liability for the statements made and opinion expressed by authors.
Please refrain from plagiarism and do not to copy material from other papers.
The manuscript will be reviewed by experts and by Academic Committee for suitability.
Those manuscript which requires modification will be sent to author for necessary changes. Manuscript returned to authors for modification should be returned as early as possible as but not later than 7 days.
The Academic Committee reserves the right to assess and modify suitability of the language, letter and text, and improve the photographs and illustrations to enhance clarity of expression and presentation without affecting the message and meaning being conveyed by the article.
Manuscript preparation
Times New Roman size 12
The word count should be limited to 4000 for all presentations.
Manuscripts should be organized as follows; title page, abstract, key words, introduction, review of literature, discussion, acknowledgements, reference, tables and figures with legend. Cite references, table and figures by numbers in the text.
Title page
Title: Itshould be as accepted by the Academic Committee in advance and no deviation will be accepted.
The name of the authors (initials followed by surnames) should be written in continuation followed by the name of the department and the Institution where the study was carried out.
First Author1, Second Author2, Third Author3
A footnote to be added to indicate address for correspondence, telephone numbers and e-mail address.
Abstract replaces the summary and should be typed on separate page.
It should be informative and self explanatory and should be less than 300 words.
Avoid abbreviation in the abstract and do not use any references.
About 3 to 6 keywords are to be provided for indexing references and to retrieve documents in an information system such as an online journal or a search engine.
Introduction should provide a clear statement of the problem, the relevant literature on the subject, and the proposed approach or solution.
Review of literature
It should be presented with clarity and precision.
It should interpret the findings in view of the results obtained in this and in past studies on this topic. State the conclusions in a few sentences at the end of the discussion.
Acknowledgments of people, grants, funds, etc should be brief.
Type double-spaced on separate sheets of A4 size and each tables should be numbered as 1,2,3….
Each table should have a title and be numbered in the order of appearance in the text. It should be brief and self explanatory.
The data presented should not be duplicated in the text and figures. Use superscript letters to indicate footnotes typed at the bottom of table.
Figures & Photographs
Use of color illustrations is encouraged,
Figures should be serially numbered as Fig. 1, Fig. 2 etc.
Graphs and Photographs must be of professional quality. Computer generated graphs should be of laser quality.
Authors should be arranged in alphabetic order. Authors last name, first name, middle name, year of publication within brackets, title of the paper and journal or book should be mentioned in this order. Some examples are given below.
Journal article
Luke RG, Jones P, Diethelm AG (1982). Hypertension in elderly. Am J Med 1982; 75: 88-95
Yoo KH, Norwood VF, Chevalier RL (1985). Regulation of aging (Abstract). Nature 1995; 65:82-91
Chapters in Book
Bhargava K: Disorders of the parathyroid gland; Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 15th edn., Braunwald, Fauci, Kasper, Hauser, et al (eds), McGraw Hill, 2001, p 2224-2246
2. Citation of unpublished observations or personal communications (include separately permission to quote from appropriate individual) should be placed in the text in parenthesis. They should not be placed or numbered under ‘References’.
3. Reference number in the text should be typed in the brackets.
4. 5. Recent references (not more han 20 years) are preferable.
General instructions
- Define unusual abbreviations with the first use in the body of the manuscript.
- Text footnotes should be typed on a separate page.
- All weights and measures must be given in metric units.
- Avoid use of full stops in the middle of abbreviations (ECG, not